Monday, February 19, 2007

Is there another dimension?

This is by no means a scientific article and I am not a scientist. This is something I have been wondering about and is throwing around a little theory around the subject.

There are many unexplained phenomenon in the world. Let me give some examples: The builders of the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, the incredible Maya people and their mysterious disappearance, the lost city of Atlantis, spirits and ghosts, UFOs, where is heaven, what does Riaan Cruywagen look like without his hair piece [just kidding], black holes, teleportation, time travel, doppelgangers, de ja vu, mind readers, levitation, etc, etc. This list can be endless.

Most of these phenomenons cannot be explained, yet there are quite a few of them that have been reported by people. There are people who swear that some of these things have happened to them. Yours truly has also encountered some of them. Scientists cannot explain any of the above with any level of accuracy. I have a theory!

As humans that crawl on this planet’s face, we are two dimensional creatures. We can only see in two dimensions and therefore see everything in a flat surface. We cannot judge depth or height at all. I can hear people growling at me, but it is true. We have taught ourselves the ability to judge length or depth or height by comparing articles with each other. As an illustration I shall give you some examples. We cannot judge how long or high a telephone pole is. Try and then measure it! If you look at a corner of a white wall, you can see it is a corner by interpreting the angle of the floor and the ceiling and then “seeing” it as a corner. Take two pieces of paper and block out the ceiling and floor and if there are no shadows to help you with your interpretation, you will only see a flat white surface, although there is a corner. We measure and judge depth by comparing objects with each other. We see how long something is by comparing it with its surroundings. We judge the length of road by watching the telephone poles and trees or cars on the road. Our brain does a calculation on what it should be by comparing what we know. If you look at a level stretch of road in the desert, you will not be able to judge the length at all. Try experiment by blocking out the surroundings and then measure. You will find startling results. All on this only proves that we can only see two dimensions.

We can however see three dimensional by wearing special glasses in certain movies or look at those funny colour pictures where you have to pull yourself cross-eyed and look like an idiot to see the hidden picture. It is a stunning view. You can see “around” items. That is what the world would have looked like if we could see three dimensional. This has made me think.

Scientists have long been of the opinion that other dimensions exists in the world around us. I think they are totally correct, but due to the fact that we can only see two, we cannot see anything in the other dimensions. There are ghosts and spirits walking this earth. Yes, I believe it. They are just not visible – normally – to the human eye. Is it not a situation where they may exist in a third or fourth or fifth dimension and that we just cannot see them? Are the ones that are seen not just a mistake where they accidentally crossed over to the wrong dimension? The same applies for things like UFOs. We can with relevant certainty say that there are no live in our solar system – or is there? Could it not be that these other life forms live in another dimension, sharing this earth perhaps. Is it not possible that they are advanced enough to cross between dimensions? A sort of flip-flop action?

The Bible refers to heaven as a place above. We have great technology like the Hubble telescope and believe me we have looked at everything around the earth for millions of light years and there is no heaven there. Theologians cannot explain where heaven is. Belinda Carlisle had a hit with a song in the eighties that was called “Heaven is a place on earth”. Was this not closer to the truth than we think? Is heaven not just another state or another dimension on this earth? Does your spirit not just pas from one dimension to another one? Is that not a possibility?

Lets think of the Maya people. They disappeared many years ago. The whole nation just “evaporated” from earth. We know that they were extremely advanced. Did they not find the availability or gate to move between the different dimensions? Remember the movie “Stargate”? What about the pyramid builders? There are many theories on how they were built, but the one is as daft as the other. In some of them they ancient Egyptian would have had to move a dessert full of sand and clear it away to build a pyramid. Crazy notion! What about the fact that they are lined up exactly to Orion’s Girdle (the three kings) in the stars? That proved that they would have been able to do very good astronomical calculations to achieve it. Something we – the modern race on earth – could only really do in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with any real accuracy. Could these builders not have come from another dimension?
I can carry on with more and more examples of the unexplained, but you get the idea. I am not saying that it is true as I have no means of proving it, but all I am asking you is to think out of the box and try picture the multiple dimensions – all sharing the same planet and some of the unexplained may just be possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

to answer the question about 'who built the pyramids', Please read: 'Ancient Egypt - The Light of the World' by Gerald Massey ...I agree with his findings and you will be surprised