Monday, February 12, 2007

Aids campaigns

Call me anti-patriotic [as I have been called] or ignorant or stupid or whatever you want, but if there is one thing that is really a pain in my backside. It is the constant aids campaigns. I am not talking about any aids awareness campaigns, but rather to the ones that keep on telling me that I should do something to stop the spread of aids.

Hello!? Am I missing something here? I don’t have aids. Yes, I know that for a fact. I don’t have to have myself tested, yet I have done so a couple of times I the past for insurance or for some or another campaign to “show” my commitment to the fight against aids.

What the hell do these campaigns want me to do? Walk around in the street and dish out condoms? I hear them saying that we are all responsible to stop the spread of aids. Please, I ask again, what do you expect me to do. I am not going to march to the Union Buildings to sow that I am for the fight against aids. Apart from getting sun stroke by moving in a slow bunch of people who keep on cramping my personal space – what the hell did I achieve by doing it? I think I am already doing enough by not spreading aids myself.

In all honesty – I am getting a bit fed-up with all the focus on the dreadful syndrome. Yes, it is not a disease, it is a syndrome. That means you cannot die of aids. Aids cannot kill you. You die of the fact that the syndrome has killed your ability to fight disease. You die of something else – not aids. All you aids activists are welcome to challenge me. If you do, you no bloody nothing.

I am also loosing patience with the fact that more and more people are contracting aids. I can understand if you live out there somewhere where there is no radio, no television, no phone or no newspaper coverage, that you have not heard of aids. If you however live within any place that has coverage of any of those and you contract aid, then I really have no sympathy with you. You were plain irresponsible and did not listen to all the warnings. Why should that be my problem?

Yes, I am also concerned that aids is spreading so fast. Not for any reason that I am scared of contracting HIV, but rather for the possibility that I, or one of my family may be in a serous accident and require a blood transfusion and get infected. I do have sympathy – a lot of it – for people who accidentally contact HIV through some medical treatment or for poor kids who are born with HIV through a mother or father who were infected. They had no control over the contracting of HIV and no expense should be spared to try and find a cure and to treat these people. They had no choice in the matter and we should do what we can for them. That is why I am all for the support of charities who spend there money for these cases. I shall support them wherever I can. I believe that the Lotto – yes the dreaded Lotto – millions should also spend at least 50% of their income for this purpose. For the rest, I could not really care a damn.

I know I may sound heartless and is against all that is preached. That is however my opinion and I promise you that I am not alone.
Why should money be spent to help people who do not want to be helped? I am not going to march or where a damn ribbon for these people!

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