Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Do pretty girls also fart?

The other day I got into a lift straight after a fairly nice looking girl got out. As I walked in, it hit me between the eyes! One very awful smell. Fortunately no one was around when I got out as they would have surely suspected me. It is normally only guys that do things like that...... fiction!

Yes, I must admit that I have done that in the past. Let a ripper go just before you get out of the lift so that someone else walks into the surprise! I know it is not a very mature thing to do, but I did it and so have you!

i remember the first time I really encountered a woman fart. The first time I understood that they are no different to any guy. They also pass wind like any guy. They just do it a lot more subtle. Normally silent and very violent! Not this time though. I was in a little school that had about 300 lids from Grade 1 to Grade 12. At that stage I was about ten years old when the whole school got together for a hall period in combined classrooms used for the purpose. It rained outside so we had to move indoors. The school was very old and the building dated the turn of the previous century. The floors were wood and the ceilings high steel. All the kids sat on the floor while the Headmaster read from the scriptures and had his little talk. Then it happened. It started with a put-put-put-put hugely amplified with the sound box that was created under the wooden floor. Then it went into a very load burrrrrrp! The floor vibrated and the headmaster nearly had a heart attack. All the kids who were half asleep were shocked wide awake and the rest of the faculty got up out of their chairs. Before you could blink twice, a girl sat all on her own in the middle of the floor. All the kids had moved away. She was as red a a beet and the most foul smell hung in the air. It was so bad you could nearly taste it. She got up and walked out never to return to the school again. I felt sorry for her. She was a pretty girl.

Many tears after that I got into a lift one day. In the lift there was a gorgeous blond and we were both heading up another ten or so floors. I just got in the lift when the distinctive smell hit me. It was very violent and we all know that the silent ones are always violent. At that stage I was pissed off at someone else and snarled at her "did you just fart?". She looked at me, fairly cross, and replied without missing a beat "of course I did, or do you think I always smell like this?" Now that was a smart answer!

That day I realised that evertyone does it. It does not matter if you are big or small and if you are pretty or ugly and if you are male or female. It is a natural part of our body. That gas build up happens when we eat certain foods and yes, because woman tend to eat a lot less and is much more concious about what she eats, she does not quite have it has much as the guys - but she does have it! The difference is in the subtelty of how you drop that sneaky one. Men tend to do it with pride and woman with pleasure!


Andrea M said...

Do tell what inspired this blog post!

Andrea x

Anonymous said...

Very nice...from now on if a woman wants to let loose one then she must do it with pride... :) No shame in that.