Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Vegans are nuts!

I read the following piece that a so-called Vegan wrote:

"If animals could talk - do you think we would eat them?
I've come to the conclusion no. Animals have shown without a doubt the ability to feel pain, nurture young, play, have complex relationships, show intelligence, have desires, sex for pleasure, feel empathy etc.
They can do all the things that a human baby can - the only thing they lack is the ability to speak a language fluently."

Let me first explain the term Vegan. They are people who do not regard themselves as vegetarians, but a step above vegetarians. In fact vegans go to a level where they would only be intimate with another vegans so there is no chance they can get any "animal" in whatever form into their bodies.

Now, back to the paragraph above. This is the biggest load of bull shit I have read in my life. None of the qualities above can actually be contributed to ANY animal. We as humans always try and apply human traits to animals and then think that they act human. It is then more a principle of bending the behavior of the animal to suit the answer you want to reach. I have a friend who has a saying about answers. He says, "tell me the answer you want, and I shall apply you with the data to prove it". That is exactly how we treat animals. We think of them as human because of certain things they do and we "feel" that the animal actually responded in a certain way.

Lets start with our friend Pavlov. He proved that with repetitive behavior a dog could be taught to react in a certain way. That is exactly what we do with all animals. Animals do not have one little bit of intelligence. That is the one distinguishing factor between us and animals. We have intelligence and can work through complex problems and find answers and solutions. Animals react on that wonderful thing called instinct alone.

Lets go to our favorite animal the common house dog. How many people go around and treat them like children? These are dogs and not children. They are trained to be companions or to protect and that is all they are. By reacting in a certain way the dog's instinct kicks in and he responds to the stimuli, just like Pavlov's dog did. We are then very happy and the dog responds and so the circle is created. It you are angry, the dog also responds accordingly and then the human race thinks that the dog understands. All it does is an instinctive reaction to body language and voice tone. I have five dogs and love them, but I do know they are dogs.

Where is my proof, I hear you ask. Well, lets look at most of the animals on earth. Any animal, no matter how large or small, has the ability to wipe out the human race. Yes, wipe them out! If only they had half a bit of intelligence to organize themselves. Can you imagine if the rats would organize a possé and start atacking humans? They would kill us one by one as they have major numbers on their side. Do you think if any wild animal had any intelligence we would be able to cage them up? Not a chance. As humans we are not physically powerful enough to catch or contain any animal - unless we use our intelligence and the animal's lack thereof to do so. They are stupid. To go even further, how many cases of severilly abused dogs have you seen and yet the dog does not leave or attack it's handler. A medium size dog can kill any human in hand to mouth contact if it was smart. It has the ability, yet the intelligence lack to work it out.

Cattle and sheep are breed for eating and clothing and nothing else. There is absolutely no other purpose for these animals on earth as they are the dumbest off all. They don't even have the ability, yet they do have the strength, to ward off an attch from a very small predator. Can you imagine if cows had intelligence with that brute force behind them. They would be devasting animals that can rip this world apart. As for wild animals, I draw a line there. I feel strongly about hunting wild animals and eating them. The primary objective for hunting is the sport and not to fullfil the eating bit. If it was for meat, you don't have to hunt as tehre are enough cattle and sheep breed for that purpose. It is purely about the sport and these people are slowly killing off all our natural wild. I do not eat any meat from a wild animal and will not either. To me it is a matter of principle.

As a final word on this, I still think Vegans are stupid and their arguments shallow. Maybe they should also look at the studies and conclusive proof that plants react to stimuli and that they also react when branches are broken or fruit picked. Does that not also constitute the killing of a natural living thing, but only because it cannot scream out load Vegans doom taht as acceptable?

Just asking?


Daniele said...

I agree with you but for the way of trying to prove animals' lack of intelligence.
Don't you think that being able to end someone's life is not really what signify intelligence?
Do you reckon that the bigger and mightier of humans should kill everyone else were he smart enough?
Why should the rats want to conquer earth or wipe out humanity? We could wipe out rats with chemicals hadn't we known any better. Humans are smart enough to wipe out many species, though they are also smart enough not to do it. Were we to start the annihilation of whole species then wouldn't be long before mankind itself would resent of it.

That is, so far the rats might be having the same thoughts about that much discussed let's-wipe-out-humankind plan they're broadcasting on every mouse lair. They could be so smart to foreseen how the absence of humans would bring an overflow of cats, which is mostly undesired in miceland.

"A medium size dog can kill any human in hand to mouth contact if it was smart. It has the ability, yet the intelligence lack to work it out." <--
There are many ill treated, beaten up, humans which could easily kill their aggressors/abusers though they don't. They might be having a deeper path of thoughts than that of a killing spree(love, compassion, fear, etc.)

I'd rather seek the difference between humans and animals in the lack of self consciousness and self denial. It's hard to prove animals' lack of the former while it's easier with the latter. We can fight our own instincts while animals cannot. Humans can commit suicide going against the mightier of their urges, which is self preservation. The very presence of vegans, fools or elites they might be, is some proof of human self denial abilities. No other species have individuals choosing a radical change in their own diet. If their peers are omnivore and they find fresh meat available then they shall eat it.

Regards, daniele.

Hansie said...

Hi Daniele, thanks for the comment. The interesting bit I found about Vegans, not only the one where the reference came from but others as well, is that they always try and justify their existence through things like a good health and name dropping. The joke is that there are millions of non-Vegans who are is perfectly good health and also the cream of society who are not Vegan.

A number of the arguments are based on the "tell me what your answer must be, and I will find the data" concept. I can prove or disprove basically anything by giving you data on it.

As for the animals, I stand by what I said before. I eat animals that are bread for that purpose. Nowhere did I ever say that they do not feel pain. They are warm blooded beings and will feel pain. That is why millions are spent on trying to make the killing of the primary food source as fast and as "humane" as possible. have any of you been to slaughter houses? Do yourself a favour and go, then we can debate the killing of cattle. There you can also see the lack of total intelligence of animals in the highest degree as they will walk in one by one to get killed without any resistance! I really don't care for web references to animal intelligence. As someone who grew up on farmland and have worked with animals all my life, I could not care less for some scientific study. I know what I know from first hand experience.

Thanks again for taking the trouble to make a comment. Hope you enjoy the site - even if it is only then English bits!


Andrea M said...

In your eyes, what is the difference between a wild animal and a domesticated one apart from personal preferenace?

- Nutty Vegan.