Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The name all are wondering about....

Earlier this year the news papers in the old city of Pretoria was a buzz with the news that the City Council is planning to change the name of Pretoria to the Ndebele (one of the traditional nations) name Tshwane.

The name Pretoria was derived from the old Voortrekker leader Andries Pretorius' surname approximately 150 years ago. this is why there is so many complaints about the name as the white population reckon that 150 years is about as far as the history of the world goes - or that is how they act!

The excuses of why the name cannot change range from the fact that it is totally unnecessary to that it will cost too much. It is absolutely amazing how many white South Africans are suddenly very worried about the fact that there are so many black people who do not have proper homes!

The reality of the matter is that the people who complain so much have very short memories. The only reason why there have not been many name changes is that the National Party was in power from 1948 to 1992. The controlling government always makes changes that will reflect the fact that they are in power.

Let me give some examples to those with the short memories. In the fifties or sixties – that is in the 1900 and not before – the NP changed the name of Roberts Heights to Voortrekkerhoogte. This name has since then been changed to Thaba Tshwane. In the eighties they changed the name of the area Lyttelton to Verwoedburg, after one of the fathers of apartheid, Dr HF Verwoerd (prime minister 1958 – 1966). In the area they also come up with names like John Vorster ave, Hendrik Verwoerd ave and Hans Strijdom ave. All were old prime ministers.

The name of Market Square (Markplein) was changed in the early seventies to Strijdomplein (named after JG Strijdom).

The reality in life is that governments change names to suit their needs. The faster people realize it, the better they will be able to handle the change.

Lets get back to the name change. The misconception currently exists that the name Pretoria will now be changed to Tshwane. How wrong can they be? Pretoria has been part of Tshwane for a long time time already. In the early 2000’s when the mega cities were created, the cities known as Pretoria, Centurion and Akasia were combined into the mega city Tshwane. What has happened now is that the city has requested the name Tshwane to be registered as an official name so that it can appear on a map. That is all! Nowhere it says that Pretoria will now be discontinued, just that the name Tshwane will be registered.

It sometimes helps to read the fine print or to listen properly. You will then not feel like an idiot for protesting against something that is not even on the cards!

Let sleeping dogs lie ………. or it may just wake up and make really happen!

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