Thursday, March 08, 2007

Does size matter?

I am sure I got your attention with this title. It is one of those probing questions your read about in many magazines and it is normally the men who keep on asking it. Have you ever sat back and wondered why this is such a hotly debated issue? Why is this so important in life? Is it a matter of pride? Is it really a case that men stand around measuring against a wall? Do men really know what the size of other men are? Is it not just a fact that they don’t really know? All they – except if you are gay – really see is a little peek when men are standing around at the urinals. Is that the whole story you are seeing or is it only an introduction into something much more that is hidden somewhere else? This is of course only a man thing. Women do not stand around in the showers and compare the size of their parts or laugh at the shape or size of their breasts. To them this is not important. The only things they may admire are hairstyles!

There is also a saying that it is not the size that counts, but rather the motion of the ocean. Maybe that is the important thing to remember rather than the actual size of the member! The reality of it is that if any man thinks that size is so important in life, they do not understand the chemistry of a woman at all. If they think that is what is important to a woman, they may need to go play in porno movies as it is the only place it really makes a difference with the right camera angle. It is all about the difference between making love and plain sex. If a man wants to satisfy a woman, he needs to understand the difference between the two. You have sex with a prostitute or a one night stand and yes, maybe the size makes the difference as enjoyment is difficult when you try stirring a dustbin with a teaspoon. But then again, in that case you probably paid for it so who cares a crap about size. Money talks!

Getting together with the partner in life should not be sex, but rather the art of lovemaking and in that process size makes no difference. When it really comes down to the time when the actual member has to be used, a pencil size should be enough to satisfy your partner. If it is not, maybe you need to think carefully about your love life!

That is not actually what I want to write about, but rather the fixation that men, yes mostly men, have with size. It is something that is inherently part of the makeup of a man. I have seen men argue about big and small things all my life. It is a case of your car that needs to have a better performing engine than your buddy’s car. Even your petrol tank needs to be bigger. Your cell phone must be smaller, your house bigger, your palm tree higher, your TV bigger, your CD/DVD writer faster, your laptop smaller, your gut smaller, your feet bigger, your watch more expensive, your dad better, your wife prettier [ or is it smaller?], your brother taller, your sister shorter, your mother a better cook, etc, etc.

Is it that men are just so more competitive in nature? I suppose it started in the Stone Age already. There where you had to be strong enough to kill for survival. Only the strong men found men found wives –or rather club wives! In the old days men were the protectors of their territory and woman and if your horse was not run faster or your club was not harder you were not going to survive. In those days very little clothing was worn and there were not closed bathrooms where you bathed or relieved yourself. It was in a communal area where all – men and women were open for all to see. I am sure none sat around and giggled at the others’ size or the size or shape of the women’s breasts. That was not important. Women were breeding machines who had to produce offspring and the only thing that was important was for the male to ensure that his bloodline is continued into the future. The same applies to nature. I can promise you that no animal really cares about size as it is not important at all. It is only the offspring that is produced.

As man became more developed – not bigger, but modernised(!) - the old survival instincts were still there. The need to be better was still there and men started looking at other avenues to beat their opponents. As modernization increased, so did the way people clothed and where they started doing things that we do in private now. That started hiding things away that used to be no issue in the past and as nature will have it, the more they wondered the more they wanted to compare. This did not stop there and through the ages carried on into the world we have today, where everything still gets compared between men – as indicated in the examples above.

That is my theory where and how this size fixation started. Just as a final word on this; medically there is a huge difference between relaxed states, but once the snake is provoked, that big relaxed member becomes the same average as the small relaxed member. There are exceptions to rule both ways, but they are way in the minority. Boys will, however, always be boys!